Blue Moon Crystal Elixir
Blue Moon Crystal Elixir
Crystal Elixirs are a unique way to incorporate the energies of crystals into your practice! Add 1-3 drops to your beverage of choice, or directly under the tongue. Can be taken as often as desired. The benefits of these elixirs can be immediate and may also deepen over time, with optimal results in smaller doses over longer periods of time rather than higher doses over shorter time frames.
This Crystal Elixir was made using the indirect method – which means that the water absorbed the energy of the crystal without making direct physical contact with it. This produces a subtle, yet powerful essence that carries the benefits of the crystal energy while maintaining safety from potential toxins or other unwanted inclusions.
These special blends were Witchcrafted using purified water infused with sound vibrations and ritually charged under the Full Blue Moon in August 2023. This Supermoon was in the sign of Pisces, bringing with it a sense of heightened intuition, enlightenment, expansiveness, and introspection. These energies contribute to and enhance the Elixirs along with their individual crystal properties.
Each 1 oz. cobalt bottle is designed to reduce exposure to UV rays and was also blessed by moonlight and charged with Reiki. *Contains a small amount of full moon infused vodka as a preservative*
Additional ways to enjoy:
- Add several drops to a ritual bath
- Add to body lotion or cream just prior to application
- Add to an oil diffuser or simmer pot
- Add to a similarly intentioned floor wash
- Apply directly to pulse points or chakras
- Anoint ritual items such as statues or tools
- Add to spell bottles, poppets or bags
Amethyst Spirit Quartz – Aids in connecting with one’s Inner Child, Spirit Guides, and attuning to Divine guidance. Assists in working with the Crown chakra and in meditative pursuits.
Aquamarine – A gentle heart opener that promotes compassion and tranquility. Helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and supports the ability to “go with the flow”.
Labradorite – Lovely for introspection, reflection and Shadow Work. A great companion for intuitive pursuits and astral travel.
Lapis Lazuli – Facilitates spiritual attunement, connecting with Ancestors, abundance and recognizing one’s inner beauty. Enhances psychic ability.
Moldavite – Promotes rapid transformation and alignment with one’s best interests. Beneficial ally in attaining goals and manifestation.
Rainbow Moonstone – Encourages finding joy in difficult situations. Assists with Lucid Dreaming and working with Lunar energy.
Rose Quartz – Reinforces self-worth and helps promote self-esteem. Supports friendship and plutonic love. Provides additional nurturing during transitional periods in life.
Sold by the each - 1oz Dosage Bottle. Stock Bottles available upon request for Practitioners - please contact the Shop directly for more information. Thank you!
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